Hit us up at any of our gigs or take care of business right now.
And if you're out of the area, you have plenty of options!
In 2018, Ric "Rhino-Boy" Stehman (back right) decided he wanted to rekindle the magic that was created when he played bass guitar in The Swingin' Daddys with drummer Mike "Sgrigy" Sgrignoli (left) back in the 1990's. And since he was already working with guitarist Mike "Hessington" Hess (front right) in The Corn Wallace Band, Rhino asked him if he'd like to strum an acoustic and complete the trio. The three met at a diner in Highspire to chat...the rest is Rock 'n Roll history.
That's the short story. For the loooog story, just attend a gig and get it straight from us.
A Go-To Guys show is literally never the same twice. We kinda like that about this band. You see, we're constantly tossing out new musical ideas and (to be quite candid) we tend to enjoy the look of disbelief on the faces in the crowd as we jump into a song that they recognize and love...but haven't heard in 30 years. Tom Jones meets Pink Floyd? You get the idea...
To give GTG an even more unique sound, Hessington plays an acoustic guitar all night long while Sgrigy STANDS UP and plays his sparkly drums. Then Ric adds the bottom end with a Fender Bass Guitar and harmony vocal.
Right from the start, GTG decided that we wanted to perform the coolest songs that we all remembered...but we rarely (if ever) heard a band play. So we've carefully compiled a repertoire of material from the 60's to the 80's (with an occasional dip into the 50's and 90's) that's designed to have folks sit up, pay attention and get into it. And recently, the guys have added their own songs to the musical stew.
We invite you to join us at our next musical recital.
So really, the only thing left to do is come out and join us for a good time.
Click the link to see where Hessington, Sgrigy and Rhino are headed next...
Attention bar folk, club managers and those that book us!! Let your customers know when we'll be at your establishment! It's easy. Just click on a poster below...print 'em, date 'em and hang 'em up.
Copyright © 2024 The Go To Guys - All Rights Reserved.
13+ tracks of the kind of music you've come to expect from us (with a couple surprises).